This year we will commence holding our annual auction in the fall instead of the winter, so get ready to participate in our most important fundraiser in just seven weeks! We’d like to make our event extra-special and fun for everyone. Ideas and suggestions? Please pass them on to Waverly Ford, Waverlyuu@gmail.com, or Jane Hardy, janewhardy@gmail.com. And, be thinking of what you might donate, and let us know ASAP!
Here are some exciting contributions so far in the “Dining Experiences” category”
Salmon Dinner at our home in Crestview: No limit on numbers; we will arrange dates with the winning bidders. (if we get lots of offers, we will have several dates for the dinner). Diane Shields and Kevin Brien
Al-Fresco Italian Luncheon for 6.  Saturday, June 25, 2018, at 12 noon
Enjoy a four-course Italian lunch out on our porch overlooking Shipyard Creek (weather permitting). Bring hearty appetites and expect a leisurely meal, including wine and non-alcoholic beverages along with plenty of good conversation. Nancy Holland and Dick Hawkins