Weaving with the Fates Series—Part One: “A Thread of Shimmering Darkness”- Leika Lewis, Guest Speaker — In-person & Zoom

“Weaving with the Fates” a Three Part Series 

In ancient Greek mythology, three sisters—Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, together known as the Moirai— were said to weave the fates of all humanity. In this series, we will explore these myths from the perspective of our modern time, considering how we experience and create destiny for ourselves and our communities.

Part One: “A Thread of Shimmering Darkness

Clotho, the spinner, was said to spin the fibers of being into a thread for each soul. As we embark on a new year and a new justice context, what threads will we spin?

  • Leika Lewis, Guest Speaker
  • Nancy Holland & Connie Schroth, Worship Leaders
  • Michael Casey, Musician

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