Author: David


ABOUT OUR SUNDAY, MAY 6th, COLLECTION A Message from Our Social Justice/Social Concerns Committee Our May 6th offering goes to NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness). There is now a NAMI Kent and Queen Anne’s, an affiliate of NAMI Maryland.  It provides education and support programs locally, using local people trained to bring programs to this community.  Because … Continue reading ABOUT OUR SUNDAY, MAY 6th, COLLECTION

Sat, Apr 21, 9 a.m. – 12 noon (or before, if we are speedy!) — Building and Grounds Clean Up!

Please mark your calendars and be thinking about the job you would like to participate in:  weeding, mulching, internal repair/clean-up, and cutting down the large clumps of ornamental grasses, or general all-around tidying. Please email Jim Lavin,,  to sign up for a preferred job.  This will allow us to decide on what materials to order. We will … Continue reading Sat, Apr 21, 9 a.m. – 12 noon (or before, if we are speedy!) — Building and Grounds Clean Up!

Fri, Apr 13, 10 a.m. at UUCR — Social Justice/Social Concerns Committee meeting,

Purpose to discuss next steps on gun violence issue and new information about creating a sanctuary community — see notice below about an important meeting next week.  We also have some exciting activities planned for our Building Bridges partnership with Mt. Olive AME.  Hope you can join us! Lynn Dolinger, SJ/SC Committee Chair

Sunday, March 11 After Service, Gun Violence Prevention Forum at UUCR.

You are invited to stay after church on Sunday, March 11, for a very important educational forum on Gun Violence Prevention.  Our guest speaker will be Liz Banach, Executive Director of Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence.  We will also hear from a local affiliate of the organization, Kent County Citizens to Prevent Gun Violence.  All are … Continue reading Sunday, March 11 After Service, Gun Violence Prevention Forum at UUCR.