Much of the on-going work of the congregation takes place in our various committees.

As you will see below, we offer many opportunities to become involved in our congregational life at UUCR.  If you would like to volunteer to share your talents, or would simply like more information about a committee(s), the church office administrator can put you in touch with the appropriate committee chair.


The UUCR Audit Committee performs a financial audit at the end of each fiscal year. The results are reported to the Finance Committee and Board of Trustees.  This committee consists of two UUCR members elected at the annual meeting.

Building and Grounds

This committee has overall responsibility to maintain the physical building and its surrounding grounds.


This committee is responsible for the management and oversight of the church’s financial assets, including preparing the annual budget, overseeing fund-raising events, investing assets, and advising the Board on fiscal issues.

Fundraising Task Force

Leadership Development

The goal and purpose of the LDC is to identify and develop a core of church members with the potential to assume various roles of leadership within the church.


The Membership Committee nurtures the culture of hospitality in our congregation for visitors, friends, and members. Its responsibilities include welcoming and engaging visitors, facilitating UUCR orientations, and ushering those who are interested through the membership process. The committee schedules greeters and coffee hosts for Sunday services and coordinates monthly third Friday potlucks at people’s homes (once our covid guidelines allow us to start these up again).

Ministry (COM)

Serves as liaison between the part-time minister and congregation helping to ensure the goals of the congregation and minister are mutually understood and communicated.

Ministry to Children, Youth, and Families


Pastoral Associates/Caring Program

Pastoral care is the caring work done by our minister and trained lay people to support and care for those in our congregation who are experiencing a difficult time. This includes supportive conversations, visits in the hospital, home, or care facilities, and help with rides or meals… If you or someone in your family is experiencing a stressful time, please contact the church administrator or a Pastoral Associate.

Pledge Drive

The congregation, by way of committees and staff, imagines the following fiscal year’s financial needs/plans/dreams for UUCR early in the calendar year and the Finance Committee pulls that input into a proposed budget.  The Stewardship/Pledge Drive Committee then puts together a congregation wide pledge drive, with a goal of meeting that projected financial need.  This process lasts about a month, from initiation to final tabulation, with the results presented to the Finance Committee for any budget revision that may be required.

Public Relations Outreach and Communications (PROC)

The committee’s two overarching goals are to improve in-house communications at UUCR and to increase public awareness of UUCR in the local community.  PROC handles all publicity and publications.

Reopening Task Force

Social Justice

This committee identifies, guides, and organizes UUCR’s social action/social justice work in both our local and wider communities. It oversees UUCR’s accreditation by the Unitarian Universalists Association in 2012 as a Welcoming Congregation, i.e., a congregation welcoming the LGBTQ community; and in 2007 as a Green Sanctuary Congregation (a congregation dedicated to environmental / climate justice and sustainable living) by the Unitarian Universalists Association (UUA). Under its auspices, UUCR members are involved in the Unitarian Unitarian Legislative Ministry of Maryland, following bills in the Maryland legislature; and the Chester Valley Minister’s Association, an interfaith group of local ministers and lay people whose mission is to promote, and support a wide range of initiatives that address diversity and underserved populations in Kent and Northern Queen Anne’s Counties. The CVMA produces two major events – a celebration on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and a non-denominational service for Thanksgiving.

The Social Justice Committee also facilitates financial and volunteer support of local organizations through education and Outreach Collections. These recipients are detailed on the Social Justice page.

Tech Team


This committee plans and arranges the speakers and programming each Sunday. The intention is to provide spiritual stimulation, education, and a sense of curiosity along with traditional ritual and music to provide a meaningful Unitarian Universalist experience.