Green Sanctuary

An environmental walk lead by our tree expert Carl Gallegos

In 2005 UUCR started on a journey to become a UUA certified Green Sanctuary Church. A committee was formed to guide the determination of what needed to be done and then guide the effort to accomplish the certification. It took two years and much work by the entire congregation but in 2007 the request for certification plus the accompanying documentation was sent to UUA and was approved. Since that time UUCR has had an active Green Sanctuary Committee (GSC) that provides environmental information to the congregation, engages in environmental activities in the area, conducts UUCR programs on environmental topics, and coordinates environmental activities associated with our property. Some of the activities that have been undertaken by GCS include winter solstice services, UUCR’s spring equinox sock burning pot luck dinner, book discussions (often with authors), environmental talks, tree identification and UUCR tree tagging, environmental tips to the congregation, an environmental photo show from members of the congregation, and providing the Sunday service for Earth Day.


GSC’s goal is to make our earth more environmentally healthy in any way we can. New members interested in contributing to this goal are always welcome.