We find our selves in 2018 and society at-large is struggling. The rhetoric is fierce, yet are the differences on the surface that deep? Are there agreements on basic morality? How do we approach an ethical dilemma? What are our greatest fears? Most profound hopes? At our two workshops this Fall together we’ll explore these questions through the lens of Unitarian Universalist’s grounding big ideas. Come to both sessions or just one! They will be somewhat intertwined and build (and shift) as the conversation emerges. Each class will include background in Unitarian Universalist historic perspectives and emerging theological concepts.
Session 1: Sat., Nov. 3, 9:30 a.m. – Noon
Session 2: Sat., Dec 15, 9:30 a.m. – Noon
Please register by emailing uuofchesterriver@gmail.com