Beth Ohlsson, MA, is a storyteller, a veteran teacher, an addictions counselor, and a person in long term recovery. She works with vulnerable populations in MD detention centers and prisons using storytelling as a vehicle for recovery, healing, and instilling hope. Currently, she is the Executive Director of the Recovery Resource Center (formerly the Salisbury Substance Abuse Community Center.) providing education and outreach to the community at large regarding addiction and recovery. Her book, “Distilling Hope” will be published by Parkhurst Brothers Publishing in 2017.
May 14, Beth Ohlsson, Mother’s Day/Flower Communion. Special music by Sue Matthews.
Originally from Frederick, MD, Beth came to the Eastern Shore in 2002. She has two adult sons who are the subject of more than one story.
Special music for this service will be performed by Sue Matthews and Philip Dutton.
Join us for the UU tradition of Flower Communion at this service, when we honor our uniqueness, diversity and community. Bring a flower to add to the communal bouquet; we’ll have extra to share, and help us celebrate Mothers Day as well.
Religious exploration for youngsters and childcare for infants and toddlers will be available during the service.