June 6, 2024

It’s Transition Month

It’s finally actually hitting me that my ministry serving the Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River will conclude at the end of this month. While far from a surprise to me or the congregation, I am realizing it is here. It’s a first for me—this leaving a congregation “thing.”

While I know there is no perfect or easy path to wind down my role, I have confidence we’ll figure out this “good-by” together.

I’m especially appreciative of the ways rituals will help us through this transition. Rituals are intentional ways of naming times of change and serve as markers throughout our life’s journeys.

I’m excited for the party on June 11 (please come if possible!). I am so grateful for those who have imagined this gathering into being. It will be a special chance to honor our past seven years together in a spirit of celebration.

My final sermon on June 16 will be a chance to reflect on the realities of “good-byes” in the context of a Sunday service. I share in advance appreciation for Annie Lavin and Nancy Holland who are co-creating this service with me.

I am also open to meeting with anyone who would like to connect in these last weeks. I’ll plan to be in Chestertown on June 13, 18, and 20. Please reach out to set up time if you are interested. We can also meet on Zoom or by phone on other days if that is more convenient.

Yes, we’ll walk through this transition in love together—one party, one service, and one meeting at a time.


Rev. Sue