Minister’s Column
July 25, 2024
Beloveds, what a few weeks it has been!
I have been reflecting on Faith by Sharon Salzberg, which may be a future sermon, and find it helpful in these times. She offers Faith not as a doctrinal or rote belief, but as an opening to possibility and links our present-day experiences to life itself. Perhaps my favorite description was “No matter what we encounter in life, it is faith that enables us to try again, to trust again, and to love again.” For me, this manifests in my justice passions.
One of my justice passions is restoring our democracy. I join our UUA in decrying the recent shooting at a Pennsylvania political rally. This is not how we live our values. We support people voting, living our UU values every day, and taking action for justice. Some examples are: our UUSJ has a wonderful democracy program with a strong focus on resisting White Christian Nationalism. The UU Legislative Ministry of Maryland has gathered a coalition of many UU congregations to UU the Vote. There are so many options.
Another emerging opportunity for coordination, connection, and action is the upcoming UU Climate Justice Revival. Collective action like this can offer a powerful vision of the future and alleviate or prevent climate grief.
I wonder, what is your passion? What is the change you want to see in the world? What is calling to your soul?
Beloveds, may we be filled with lovingkindness as we begin our ministry and act for justice.
Rev. Kathryn