We are excited to announce UUCR has hired Connie Schroth as our new RE Program Support Coordinator. Connie comes to us after a long career in education, most recently as the Academic Director in the Horizons program for low income children.
As our program support coordinator, Connie will assure we are ready for learners each Sunday, will lead the RE class or support volunteers who are leading, and will communicate regularly with families. Welcome Connie!
It takes a village! Connie will work with Rev. Sue Browning (our minister), the RE Team (Pat Bjorke and others), and volunteers to nurture our learners. We also welcome Annie as our new lead in the Nursery/Pre K room. (see below).
Each Sunday we will offer…Nursery Care for the very youngestPre-K – Exploring Me and the World Around Me K-6 and Beyond – Exploring Community, Ethics, Faith and Justice
We are a relatively small program. This year we are focused on building connections among those children who come and on helping families build connections with one another.