Author: David


UUCR TREE MANUAL   Get Yours This Sunday! The Green Sanctuary Committee would like to announce the completion of the UUCR Memorial Woodland Tree Manual. Heeding Wendell Berry’s advice to “Learn everything we can about the place where we live, and make common cause with that place,” this manual offers a description of the UUCR … Continue reading UUCR TREE MANUAL

Sunday Service, Oct 22, 10 a.m., Rosemary Ramsey, “Growing into Community.”

Rebecca Solnit writes of a future that is unknown, dark, with an enveloping sense of possibility and com- munion. Martin Luther King Jr. considered “agape,” or love in action, as going to any length to restore community and heal that which divides us. Rosemary will share ideas of what building intentional community means to her, … Continue reading Sunday Service, Oct 22, 10 a.m., Rosemary Ramsey, “Growing into Community.”

Tues, Oct 24, 4:30 p.m., at UUCR — Building Bridges Partnership Committee Meeting.

The SCSJ Building Bridges partnership with the AME Mt. Olive Church in Butlertown will be meeting to plan activities for the coming year.  You may recall that we had a very successful bus trip to the National Museum of African American History in Washington, D.C.  last year, as well as potlucks and fish frys.  We are looking for … Continue reading Tues, Oct 24, 4:30 p.m., at UUCR — Building Bridges Partnership Committee Meeting.

Sunday Service, 10 a.m., Sept 24, Rev. Dr. David Pyle, “Held by a Vision.”

Every congregation has a purpose.  You cannot be a congregation long without one.  The key is uncovering that purpose and claiming it.  This sermon and workshop will help us to name who we are as a congregation and what we are called to. Please stay after the service and a light lunch for the 90 minute … Continue reading Sunday Service, 10 a.m., Sept 24, Rev. Dr. David Pyle, “Held by a Vision.”