Category: Uncategorized

Fri, Mar 31, afternoon at the Mt. Olive AME Church in Worton — Fish Fry!

COMING EVENTS  Save the date! This is a fundraiser co-sponsored by our Building Bridges partnership to assure that all participants in the May bus trip to the African American Museum will go free.  While all tickets have been allotted, there is a waiting list on the white board in the lobby.  The fish fry will start at … Continue reading Fri, Mar 31, afternoon at the Mt. Olive AME Church in Worton — Fish Fry!

Sun, Jan 22, after service at UUCR — Congregational Meeting re our search for a minister

On January 22, 2017, the members of our congregation will meet to determine whether we expand our Ministry Search to a half-time minister rather than quarter-time. This exciting prospect has been advanced by the Finance Committee and Board working together to determine a budget that would permit us to immediately seek a half-time minister, thus … Continue reading Sun, Jan 22, after service at UUCR — Congregational Meeting re our search for a minister

Sat, Oct 15, 8 a.m. – 12 noon — UUCR Yard Sale!

UUCR YARD SALE   Save the Date: Sat, October 15, 8 a.m. – 12 noon Start sifting through the garage and attic for items to donate.  And then consider offering to help with coordination, set up, and day of sale. Contact Diane Shields,,  for questions.

Sat, Oct 1, 9:30 – 1:30, Leonardtown, MD — Workshop: Membership, Leadership and Outreach for Smaller Congregations.

Spend the day with area small congregations talking about welcoming and integrating your newer members, creating vibrant leaders, and introducing your congregation to your neighborhood.  You’ll get new ideas and have the chance to talk to other small congregations about their learnings.  Facilitated by Rev. Megan Foley, Central East Regional staff.

Sun, Sept 25, after service — “Identifying and Addressing our Adaptive Challenges” Workshop.

Following the worship service and a light lunch, Rev. David Pyle, our regional Congregational Life Consultant, will lead the congregation in a workshop helping us to uncover our adaptive challenges — those ways of behaving and relating that have become consciously or unconsciously institutionalized in our life together and which may be standing in the way … Continue reading Sun, Sept 25, after service — “Identifying and Addressing our Adaptive Challenges” Workshop.