Feb 13th. Greg Chute, guest speaker, “Awakening to Life” Hybrid Service, Catherine Brooks, service leader Al Martinez, musician

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Rev Greg Chute, retired Unitarian minister from Newark, DE, takes our February theme of “Widening the Circle” inwards.

After reviewing the improving local Covid conditions, UUCR’s Re-Opening Task Force is pleased to share that UUCR will return to hybrid Sunday services (in-person services, with a virtual “Zoom” option) this coming Sunday, February 13, at 10 a.m.

When I think of our February theme of “Widening the Circle” I am immediately drawn to asking myself what is at the center? Who am I? What do I know? What don’t I know? How do I see the world? So the first step appears to me to be a profound self-knowledge and grounded orientation. Thoreau once quipped: “Only that day comes to which we are awake.” And I unequivocally concur. Too often we are meandering through our days, paying little attention. How shall we wake ourselves up to see a wider world? — Rev. Greg Chute

  • Rev. Greg Chute, guest speaker
  • Catherine Brooks, service leader
  • Al Martinez, musician

FEB 13 | Great Valentine’sC💘💘kie Giveaway

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