Who is ALICE, and why should we care? “ALICE” is an acronym for “Asset Limited, Income Constrained, but Employed,” — in other words, the working poor. The United Way generates ALICE Reports from census metadata in at least 23 states every two years. These ALICE Reports are used to raise awareness and understanding of the real nature of poverty (vs. the absurd definition set by the federal poverty line), target funding to areas of greatest need and impact, and inspire action and innovative solutions (i.e., “change”). This talk and discussion will introduce this valuable tool for economic activism and challenge us to question the morality of an economy where the paychecks of nearly three out of ten citizens don’t cover their basic needs at the end of the month.
- Bob Clegg, M. Div., Guest Speaker
- Marilee Taussig, Service Leader
- Michael Casey, Musician
- Linda Dutton & Fantaye Kehm, Youth & Teen Welcome
CLICK HERE for link to YouTube recorded service