This Sunday we welcome Rev. Jill Tolbert, a minister at our neighboring Presbyterian Church on Gateway Drive. She and her husband, Rev. Joel, came to the Eastern Shore and PCC in late 2020 – a few months before Covid! This morning she continues the special tradition we have enjoyed over the years when PCC clergy cross Gateway Drive on a Sunday morning to join in our service and deliver a sermon. In the month of October our UU Services have centered around the theme of Courage. Rev. Jill will continue this in her sermon, “In a Broken and Fearful World…”
“In a broken and fearful world the Spirit gives us courage to pray without ceasing, …to unmask idolatries in Church and culture, to hear the voices of peoples long silenced, and to work with others for justice, freedom, and peace.” This service will explore the brokenness in our world that push us toward fear, and consider various stories of courage that might pull us from fear to faithful action.” Come join us!
CLICK HERE for service recording on YouTube
- Rev. Jill Tolbert, Guest Speaker
- Annie Lavin, Service Leader
- Michael Casey, Rebekah Hock, and Meredith Hadaway, Musicians