“Awe Struck: The Power of Amazement”- Rev. Anne Ledbetter, Guest Speaker — In-person & Zoom

Try to remember a time when you were awestruck—filled with wonder or amazement. How did you feel? What impact did this experience have on you? One certainly hears the awe and wonder felt by the writer of Psalm 8 in the Hebrew Scriptures: “When I look at the heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon, and the stars that you set in place, what are human beings that you are mindful of them, earth’s peoples that you care for them?” Drawing from the book Awe by UC Berkeley Psychology Professor Dacher Keltner, Anne will cite various sources of awe and suggest ways we may seek its transformative power in our everyday lives.

  • Rev. Anne Ledbetter, Guest Speaker
  • Jan Sprinkel, Worship Leader
  • Michael Casey, Musician
  • Judy Graham, Greeter
  • Joy Kim, Coffee Host
  • Rev. Kathryn Adams & Theo Kehm, RE

Please CLICK HERE to view recorded service on Zoom.

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