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A few weeks back we challenged the congregation to reflect on the question: “What do I want?” How are you making out with this question? At this service we’ll hear some answers to this homework assignment. Join Rev. Sue Browning and other speakers for a morning of honesty around this question.
This will be a joint Zoom service of the Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Easton. Closed captioning is now available for Zoom worship services and meetings.
So we can begin the worship service promptly at 10 am, please sign into Zoom (click here) by no later than 9:50 am. A virtual coffee hour will immediately follow the service.
If not attending the service by Zoom, please submit “Joys and Concerns” and “Announcements” in advance by emailing them to the UUCR office (click here) by 9 pm Saturday.