We strive to be an open, inclusive community that welcomes people of many types through our doors. This Sunday we welcome new children in a dedication, recognize our new members, and celebrate one of our most sacred rites: Flower Ceremony. Please remember to bring a flower to share as part of our ceremony .
Also at this exciting, beautiful, and not-to-be missed service will be:
- A “Child Dedication” – Adrienne and August Newell will be dedicated as baby UUs. The twins are daughters of Neenah and Will Newell and granddaughters ofDiane Shields. We welcome them and their extended families and friends.
- New Member Recognition — It is an indication that we are doing church “right” when others wish to join. We welcome all who signed the book this year and look forward to sharing and learning with them.
Mr. Nevin Dawson will provide special music for the service.
Religious exploration classes for children and youth, as well as childcare for infants and toddlers, will be available during the service.
Following the service enjoy a light luncheon, and then our all important Annual Meeting, starting around 12 noon.