Archives: Services

“Starting Over” – Rev. Greg Chute, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom

The New Year always offers the temptation to make resolutions, examine expectations, and start over. It is not, however, a magical moment of transformation. Real change requires intention and commitment; and, most importantly, a new way of thinking.  CLICK HERE for link to recorded Zoom service

“What is Collective Liberation All About?” – Rev. Sue Browning Minister — In-Person & Zoom

Our Universalist forebearers didn’t see that it was possible for anyone to end up in hell. They saw that all were worthy, and thus all would be saved. Today, Rev. Dr. Sofia Benacourt finds it is these Universalist roots that guide us to “an idea of collective liberation where we leave no person behind.” At … Continue reading “What is Collective Liberation All About?” – Rev. Sue Browning Minister — In-Person & Zoom

“Optimism Is an Ethical Principle: Why I Must be an Optimist” – Dr. Bob Clegg, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom

From our guest speaker, Bob Clegg: “A few months ago, a member of another congregation asked, ‘Well, what the hell is ethics anyway!?’ Her question was rhetorical, but it set me to pondering on the ways ethical questions—and systems of thinking about them—have impacted my life. I invite you to join with me to explore … Continue reading “Optimism Is an Ethical Principle: Why I Must be an Optimist” – Dr. Bob Clegg, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom

“The Essence of Our Unitarian Universalist Faith” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

Nothing is static, including faith traditions. At this beginning-of-the-year service with Rev. Sue Browning, we’ll have a chance to connect (reconnect) with the roots of Unitarian Universalism and explore recent trends in the faith. Whether you are a lifelong UU, a curious newcomer, or somewhere in between, this will be a chance to learn and re-center … Continue reading “The Essence of Our Unitarian Universalist Faith” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

Service Canceled -12/31

Sunday Service Canceled at UUCR tomorrow 12/31/23 Due to Covid, there will be no in-person or zoomed service at UUCR, We are  invited to join UUFE, in person or on Zoom for their service which will include a guided meditation. Information on this and the zoom link  is below. Our Sunday service at UUCR will resume … Continue reading Service Canceled -12/31

 “’Ring out the old, ring in the new…, The year is going, let him go…’ — Tennyson. But wait — Not just yet!” – Annie Lavin, Speaker — In-Person & Zoom (service was canceled)

Final hours remain before the bells toll at midnight and a new year begins. After the busy festivities of the past week, you may be ready to join this end-of-year Sunday service at UUCR. It will be similar in format to our informal summer services, which include reflection and discussion. It is said that the … Continue reading  “’Ring out the old, ring in the new…, The year is going, let him go…’ — Tennyson. But wait — Not just yet!” – Annie Lavin, Speaker — In-Person & Zoom (service was canceled)

“Eve of the Eve – A Christmas Candlelight Service” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

Many years ago, the Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River decided to celebrate Christmas Eve a day early. We invite all to join us for our Christmas “Eve of the Eve” service (Saturday, Dec. 23!). At this service led by Rev. Sue Browning and other members of the congregation, we’ll share stories, songs, a brief message, and end with singing “Silent … Continue reading “Eve of the Eve – A Christmas Candlelight Service” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

“Contemplative Ways” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

Religious traditions offer paths of reflection that are amazingly similar. From Buddhist meditation practices, to times of silence in the desert, to pilgrimages to holy sites, we’re reminded that our spirits need quiet. At this service with Rev. Sue Browning, we’ll consider the power of deep reflection in life, particularly as a part of the holiday season.  CLICK … Continue reading “Contemplative Ways” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

“How We Help and Why it Matters” – Rosie Ramsey-Granillo, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom

We spend a lot of time and effort trying to help our neighbors and those struggling in our communities. Rosie Ramsey-Granillo’s role in the county is dedicated to fixing the way the state and the community deliver services to children and families. This conversation will reflect on how we go about this work and what could … Continue reading “How We Help and Why it Matters” – Rosie Ramsey-Granillo, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom