Archives: Services

“Promises We Make” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

It’s been ten years since our minister, Rev. Sue Browning, was ordained as a Unitarian Universalist minister. Recently she shared, “The vocation of parish ministry has been pretty much what I was trained for, and of course there is always room to grow. The deeper challenge has been to live fully into the vows I … Continue reading “Promises We Make” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

“We Begin Again in Love” – Rev. John Wright, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom

As Jews around the world pause to observe Yom Kippur, might we too pause and ask, “How do atonement and forgiveness enter into our UU theologies? At the end of our days, will there be grudges, regrets, old hurts, and angers that we’ve held on to? Or can we find a way to remind ourselves to let … Continue reading “We Begin Again in Love” – Rev. John Wright, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom

Water Communion — “Doors Wide Open, Hearts Wide Open” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

How might we continually welcome one another and welcome the stranger? How might a vision of radical hospitality guide our coming year together? At this service led by Rev. Sue Browning, we’ll reflect on the “gift of welcome” as a foundation in our Unitarian Universalist faith. The service will include our annual Water Communion ritual. All are welcome! (Keep an … Continue reading Water Communion — “Doors Wide Open, Hearts Wide Open” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

UUCR Homecoming — “The Courage to Evolve” – Rev. Paul Boothby, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom

Science and spirituality both teach us that there is nothing unchanging in the universe. Even Unitarian Universalism has evolved and continues to do so. Are we prepared to live into the larger love our movement is embodying in this generation? What is the tension between the greater possibilities at hand and the resistance, even hostility, … Continue reading UUCR Homecoming — “The Courage to Evolve” – Rev. Paul Boothby, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom

“Freedom” – Kevin Brien, Discussion Leader

This discussion will focus on the meaning of the term “freedom.” Think of the differing meanings of these phrases: being free from; being free to; being free for; being free at. Think, too, of the possibilities of one person or group seeking to be free in ways that might dynamically interfere with the freedom of others.

“Book Discussion” – Amy Warner, Discussion Leader

What book intrigued, fascinated, enlightened, and/or entertained you in the last year?  Come prepared to share a three-to-four minute “pitch” for this book during our annual summer reading book discussion. Bring the title and author’s name to record so that we can share the list in subsequent issues of Reflections.

“Stream of Conscious Writing as a Spiritual Practice” – M.Q. Riding, Discussion Leader

Many times, we have thoughts that, moments later, we wish we had captured on paper. There are other times when we sit down to write something and we can be completely blocked. I have found that just putting words to paper, randomly yet using some kind of structure, can be very liberating, even spiritual. In … Continue reading “Stream of Conscious Writing as a Spiritual Practice” – M.Q. Riding, Discussion Leader

“Leaning into Earth-Centered Traditions” – Rev. Sue Browning, Discussion Leader

Unitarian Universalists draw inspiration from the spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions, which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature. At this summer discussion service with Rev. Sue Browning, we’ll explore earth-centered traditions, including nature religion and pagan practices.

“A Question Box Service … Reflections on Pittsburgh and More” – Rev. Sue Browning, Discussion Leader — ZOOM ONLY

What questions do you have for Rev. Sue about Unitarian Universalism … about social justice … about our communities … about ministry? At this “Question Box” service, Rev. Sue will share a few reflections on the recent Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly in Pittsburgh and then open the service for questions on any (ok, about … Continue reading “A Question Box Service … Reflections on Pittsburgh and More” – Rev. Sue Browning, Discussion Leader — ZOOM ONLY