Weaving with the Fates Series—Part Two: “When the Stars Align?”- Leika Lewis, Guest Speaker — In-person & Zoom

“Weaving with the Fates” a Three Part Series 

In ancient Greek mythology, three sisters—Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, together known as the Moirai— were said to weave the fates of all humanity. In this series, we will explore these myths from the perspective of our modern time, considering how we experience and create destiny for ourselves and our communities.

Part Two: “When the Stars Align?

Lachesis, the allotter, measured the threads of life and wove them into the fabric of fate. If Lachesis still sits at her loom as the legends tell, what would the fabric of our time look like, and how can we weave the path we want to travel?

  • Leika Lewis, Guest Speaker
  • Kim Agee, Worship Leader
  • Michael Casey, Musician

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