Archives: Services

“How We Help and Why it Matters” – Rosie Ramsey-Granillo, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom

We spend a lot of time and effort trying to help our neighbors and those struggling in our communities. Rosie Ramsey-Granillo’s role in the county is dedicated to fixing the way the state and the community deliver services to children and families. This conversation will reflect on how we go about this work and what could … Continue reading “How We Help and Why it Matters” – Rosie Ramsey-Granillo, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom

“Sometimes We Just Don’t Know” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

Ever feel that you are wrestling an issue or a decision to death? What does it take to be at peace with just not knowing? At this service with Rev. Sue Browning, we’ll consider the experience of the power of being ok with that which we will never fully understand — being ok with some mystery in … Continue reading “Sometimes We Just Don’t Know” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

“Go Ask ALICE” – Bob Clegg, M. Div., Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom Service

Who is ALICE, and why should we care? “ALICE” is an acronym for “Asset Limited, Income Constrained, but Employed,” — in other words, the working poor. The United Way generates ALICE Reports from census metadata in at least 23 states every two years. These ALICE Reports are used to raise awareness and understanding of the real nature of … Continue reading “Go Ask ALICE” – Bob Clegg, M. Div., Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom Service

“Building Connections – Our Annual Intergenerational Thanksgiving Service” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom Service

We invite all in the community—especially children and families—to be a part of our annual intergenerational Thanksgiving service. Through songs, stories, and the ritual of setting a shared table, we’ll remind one another of the many ways that we experience gratitude in our lives. The service will be led by Rev. Sue Browning and Jan … Continue reading “Building Connections – Our Annual Intergenerational Thanksgiving Service” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom Service

“Is it ‘Never Again’ or ‘Holocaust 2.0’?” – Dr. Gary Schiff, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom Service

Historian Dr. Gary Schiff reflects on the tragic events triggered by the murder of 1,400 Jews in Israel by Hamas terrorists on 10/7, where they emerged from, and where they might be headed. He will also offer his personal thoughts and heartfelt reactions—as a Jew, as a cantor, and as a long-time scholar of and … Continue reading “Is it ‘Never Again’ or ‘Holocaust 2.0’?” – Dr. Gary Schiff, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom Service

“Gratitude, Generosity, and Grace” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom Service

UU minister Elizabeth Stevens reflects, “A simple change of perspective can revolutionize the way we move through life. Instead of just focusing on what we want, we can choose to focus on what we want to give.” At this service with Rev. Sue Browning, we’ll consider the ways gratitude, generosity, and the proactive acceptance, love, … Continue reading “Gratitude, Generosity, and Grace” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom Service

“Leveraging Our Collective Power” – Rev. Peggy Clarke and Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt, leaders from the UUs for Social Justice — ZOOM-ONLY Service

At this service, we’ll consider ways Unitarian Universalists can collectively respond to our endangered democracy and institutions and leverage our power. The message and stories will be offered by Rev. Peggy Clarke and Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt, leaders from the UUs for Social Justice, our national political advocacy presence. This shared UUCR/UUFE Zoom service will … Continue reading “Leveraging Our Collective Power” – Rev. Peggy Clarke and Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt, leaders from the UUs for Social Justice — ZOOM-ONLY Service

“Existentialism Simplified” – Rev. Greg Chute, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom

Søren Kierkegaard (the “father” of Existentialism) asked: “How did I get into the world? Why was I not asked about it and why was I not informed of the rules and regulations but just thrust into the ranks as if I had been bought by a peddling shanghaier of human beings? How did I get … Continue reading “Existentialism Simplified” – Rev. Greg Chute, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom

“Immigration Stories” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

All life journeys each come with twists, turns, and uncertainty. Immigrants face more than their share, often being treated as pawns in our political debates while at the same time being hired for deeply challenging work. At this service with Rev. Sue Browning, we’ll reflect on the realities of being an immigrant in 2023 and … Continue reading “Immigration Stories” – Rev. Sue Browning, Minister — In-Person & Zoom

“The Grandmothers’ Wisdom” – Lora Powell-Haney, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom

For the sovereign indigenous nations on this continent, the elder women are the keepers of history, of community ties, of family heritage, and of tribal history. Our own Unitarian Universalist faith has ties to the harm of residential schools and colonizing behaviors. As a people of faith seeking to move toward substantive support and justice … Continue reading “The Grandmothers’ Wisdom” – Lora Powell-Haney, Guest Speaker — In-Person & Zoom